Mastering Feedback with Toastmasters

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The other day, I met with a client to discuss a future project. He arrived at the meeting looking visibly upset, sharing that he had just clashed with his boss: “I hate the way he gives feedback. It's either vague, reactive or expressed too late. And it's always judgemental.” 

As I listened, all I could think was: "These guys have never heard of Toastmasters (TM)." If you haven't either, it is a global non-profit organisation that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs.

I have been a member since 2014. One of the most valuable skills I have learned through Toastmasters is how to give and receive constructive feedback.

Giving value

At Toastmasters, delivering feedback is about offering honest, insightful and specific input that the recipient can act upon. Above all, it is provided in the spirit of giving value, and not to pass judgement. With TM clubs in 143 countries, this approach is being adopted in more than 16,600 clubs around the globe and across cultures. 

With our work and workplaces becoming increasingly more mobile, dispersed and culturally diverse, the need for interacting, sharing and valuing is greater than ever. One way to address this need is by nurturing a culture of constructive feedback.

Other likely benefits are greater transparency, a more motivated workforce and a sense of inclusiveness.

As corny as this may sound, I am convinced that by choosing to focus on giving value rather than passing judgement we will end up with much healthier work environments.


You don’t have to join a Toastmaster club to make this happen - though I can highly recommend it!

Have a great weekend!


Ever Heard of Helvetisms?


The Exclamation Mark!